Cavalor® FreeBute contributes to the maintenance of flexible muscles and joints. It offers the natural relief that horses sometimes need to enable them to continue to move freely. The paste is more appropriate for occasional use. Hard-working horses frequently suffer from some stiffness or pain; Cavalor® FreeBute alleviates these complaints so that your horse feels great again. See and feel the difference in just 2 days.
Cavalor always recommends administering with feed or as directed by your veterinarian.
Also available in a powder form as Cavalor Freebute.
Sport horses will only deliver an optimum performance if they feel well. Cavalor FreeBute provides support for muscles and joints in order to guarantee better flexibility. Relief from pain and discomfort is the start of many healing and repair processes. Many remedies aimed at achieving this contain banned substances or can have undesirable side effects. Cavalor FreeBute contains only natural ingredients that are harmless, even for the stomach, and can offer relief for many commonly occurring problems.
Recommended Use:
Cavalor FreeBute paste is more appropriate for occasional use.
1/2 a syringe the night before and 1/2 a syringe the morning before an exertion. Some riders often feel that horses benefit even more from 1 syringe the night before and 1 syringe the morning before an exertion.
1 syringe = 60 g. Maximum 240 g per day per horse (= 4 syringes).
Tip: Start using the secret ‘one-two’ formula of Cavalor® two days before a competition and go for the win.
Type: Horse supplement