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Ice-Vibe was developed to be your everyday maintenance of leg health. While Ice is in the name, they are not designed as purely ice boots. More and more research is showing that circulation is the KEY to recovery and repair of soft tissue.
Repeated icing for long periods can reduce motor skills (think showjumping after lots of icing after cross country, could you get a clear(er) round by ensuring the soft tissue gets lots of oxygen and nutrients to recover rather than just icing which reduces blood flow (and in our horse's delicate legs, this takes quite some time to return to normal, the opposite of icing big muscle groups with lots of capillaries to bring blood back).
Use your Ice-Vibes before exercise with NO cold packs to warm legs up, use after exercise with the cold packs for cooling while maintaining blood flow to remove swelling, bruising and to bring oxygen and nutrients in for the cells and tissue.
Use them to manage windgalls/wind puffs, soft tissue injuries (with advice from knowledgable vet), for horse prone to fill in the legs when standing in, etc. Improved circulation can also improve hoof health.
Type: ice boots